What’s the best age for intervention?

May, 2024

Many parents have asked me, “What’s the best age for intervention? Do we wait if we see our child struggling? Or jump on it early?”

I’m so happy to share that we have a program designed for ages 5-7 years old!
There’s no need to “wait” if you have other children who have struggled, or even if your child is beginning to have feelings of self-doubt or self-criticism.


The Davis Concepts for Life® Early Years 

The Purpose:

  • To provide lifelong learning skills
  • To provide foundational skills necessary for reading fluency and comprehension
  • To provide skills and confidence to a child’s parent, enabling them to continue working with child at home!


The Skills Gained:

  • How to get focused
  • How to self-regulate energy levels
  • How to improve balance and coordination
  • Increased fine motor coordination
  • Positive experiences and attitudes for learning
  • Increased self-esteem!

I’m so proud of this kiddo for completing the Davis Concepts for Life®Early Years program and Davis® Dyslexia Correction program!

Cormac is on his way to improved self-regulation, reading, and taking ownership of his success!  Check out the pic of his adorable model of the Billy Goats Gruff representing the sequence of size!

Cohen’s amazing smile says it all!
This is what Cohen had to say at the end of his program:
“I know the alphabet now.”
“I can write all of my letters.” 
“I’m a better reader.”

Nothing better than seeing these smiles!!



Book A Summer Program Today!

Dyslexia and reading struggles can feel like an endless maze, leaving you or your loved ones frustrated and misunderstood. Reading, writing, and learning become daunting tasks, hindering academic and personal growth. 😔

But why settle for temporary fixes or masking symptoms? The struggle persists until we address the core issues. It’s time to break free from the cycle of frustration and confusion. 💡

Minnesota Learning Solutions uses a revolutionary approach to dyslexia that digs deep, identifies root causes, and empowers individuals to conquer challenges head-on! 🌟 Say goodbye to cookie-cutter solutions and hello to personalized strategies tailored to your unique strengths. 💪

🌱 Let’s nurture a love for learning, one step at a time! Together, we’ll rewrite the dyslexia narrative and unlock boundless potential! ✨

Book your complimentary consult call TODAY!


Every day, we’re reminded of the incredible journey each individual undertakes, and today, we’re thrilled to spotlight Isaac for successfully completing his Dyslexia program!

In Isaac’s own words, “I was able to gain an understanding of how I think and now have tools that complement the way I think. I was also able to get rid of the negative stigma I had about reading and replaced it with hope.”

Isaac’s journey is a great reminder of the importance of believing in oneself. May his success inspire others to embrace their unique abilities and pursue their dreams.

Join me in congratulating Isaac we couldn’t be prouder of his accomplishments! 🙌

Let’s give a big round of applause to Enzo!

Congratulations on completing your Davis Young Learners Program!   You’ve worked incredibly hard, and now you’re equipped with the ability to focus and the foundations necessary to build reading fluency and comprehension. 🚀

Enzo, your dedication and enthusiasm for learning are truly inspiring!   Keep shining bright and spreading that contagious excitement for new knowledge. ✨

Here’s to your continued success and all the amazing adventures ahead!

Clay Creation of the Month

Clay creation compliments of Isaac H.

Email us a picture of one of your clay models that you would like to be shared in an upcoming newsletter.

A common discussion point around dyslexia is:

are you born with it, or does it develop during your lifetime? Traditionally, society has assumed that dyslexics are born dyslexic. This assumption naturally leads to something I call the What-A-Shame approach to dyslexia: you were born with a learning difficulty; if you try really hard, and if we give you lots of support, you might be able to reduce its effects, but basically — you have a lifelong disability.

The reverse position —

that dyslexia develops during your lifetime — is riddled with all sorts of explosive dilemmas. If you weren’t born with a learning difficulty, then whose “fault” is it that you ended up with it? Yours, for being “lazy”? Or was it your teachers who “damaged” your learning — or perhaps even your parents?

But what if the truth is actually somewhere in the middle, and much more nuanced?

One of the phenomena I have seen again and again in my client families is something I call the “Simpsons factor”. If you know The Simpsons, you’ll know that Homer and Marge Simpson have three children: Bart, who — despite remaining unlabelled in the cartoon — has all the hallmarks of dyslexia and ADHD; Lisa, his academically top-achieving sister; and baby Maggie, who barely speaks but shows all sorts of non-verbal signs of having a genius IQ.

Advanced TRS

Feeling weighed down by toxins and pollutants? 

It’s no secret that our modern world is filled with environmental toxins that can wreak havoc on our health and well-being. From heavy metals to pollutants in the air and water, our bodies are constantly under assault, leaving us feeling sluggish, tired, and far from our best selves. 

💡 Advanced TRS – the ultimate solution to detoxify your body and reclaim your vitality! 🚀 Powered by cutting-edge nanotechnology, Advanced TRS gently removes heavy metals and toxins from your system, leaving you feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the world! 💪 Say goodbye to toxins and hello to a happier, healthier you with Advanced TRS!  

(Always consult with healthcare professionals before starting any detox program.)

Have you gone through A Davis® program yet?

We have hope and help for Dyslexia, ADHD, Executive Functioning, and Autism. It’s easy to get started! Just reply to this email or call 763-250-0485.

Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis Orientation Counseling®, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.  dyslexia.com