Coseva Advanced TRS

For the SAFE removal of Heavy Metals

Advanced TRS

Making Wellness Simple

Our air, water and food are saturated with toxins—which means our bodies and minds are too. This manifests through headaches, pain, gut issues, anxiety, eczema, and other unexplainable issues.

You may have tried supplements, doctors, and diet changes and yet still be frustrated with your symptoms.

You may be wishing for a breakthrough that is simple, yet effective. You may feel discouraged and be running low on hope.

Advanced TRS (Toxic Removal System) uses breakthrough nanotechnology to remove and cleanse toxins and heavy metals from your body. All this is performed at the cellular level with a tasteless spray that is so easy to use that even your children can use it daily!

With its proprietary clinoptilolite zeolite formula, Advanced TRS removes toxic heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, aluminum, lead, chemical toxins, radioactive toxins and free radicals that impair your body and weigh down your mind. With daily use, a few sprays each morning and evening will reveal your body’s full potential and help you make significant improvements to your health.

Order Now and receive a complimentary guide on how to get started with TRS!

Toxic chemicals in the blood of the average American
Industrial chemicals in the environment Picture 3,000,000
Deaths attributed to environmental disease

What’s the Result?

  • Naturally Remove Toxic Heavy Metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum & Arsenic
  • Increase Levels of Vital Nutrients like Iron & Calcium
  • Balance PH Levels
  • Boost Immune System Function

Why Choose Advanced TRS?

Advanced TRS is designed to remove more toxins than any other zeolite solution at a cellular level. With an average zeolite size of 0.9 nanometers as verified by standard particle measuring equipment, there is an estimated surface area of 4.8 million sq ft per bottle that is capable of removing toxins.  TRS travels freely to any place in the body. The zeolite is encased in water clusters and is able to cross the blood brain barrier; a critical place where toxins accumulate. Advanced TRS leaves the body fully within 6-8 hours.

Hi! My name is Tracy Doyle and I am a dyslexia and Autism coach/facilitator and a mother of two.

Advanced TRS was brought to my attention by a client who was having difficulties with a variety of things: OCD, falling asleep at night, and constipation, just to name a few. Mom had tried lots of different protocols and TRS has provided positive change in many areas.
Since using TRS, my client has resolved constipation, sleep issues and much of his OCD symptoms. Because of this positive change in my client, I knew I needed to try this for myself.

I am happy to report that I, too, have experienced positive changes! I have more energy, better focus, better gut health, and my hot flashes have virtually vanished! The biggest gain I have experienced since being on TRS is the ability to stop using Prozac for the first time in 16 years! I was taking Prozac due to fibromyalgia-like symptoms and I’m happy to report that I have had little to no body pain since the spring of 2018! 

My goal is to help families make wellness simple, so that our children and our future generations can have the best possible health and future!
With Advanced TRS, safely and gently remove heavy metals such as mercury, ​lead, cadmium, and arsenic.

Experience the Benefits of a

Full Body Detox

Sharper Mind

Clearer thinking, better memory, less "brain fog," improved school performance

Enhanced Well Being

Better mood, increased vitality and "zest for life"

Increase in Energy

Less fatigue and sluggishness, stronger ability to exercise for longer periods of time

Better Digestion

Enhanced absorption of nutrients, weight loss, removal of toxins from gut

Less Aches & Pains

Less headaches and bodily nagging aches and pains

Reduced Inflammation

Reduced swelling, joint pain, bodily discomfort

All seven members of my family use Advanced TRS, but I will only focus on my 13 yo ADHD (inattentive type)/OCD son. He also has diagnosed receptive and expressive language processing problems. He is #4 of 5 children. My son is unvaccinated but for the Vitamin K and in utero Rhogam. I’ve known since he was about 9 months old that something was up with him and as he grew he was extremely anxious and had severe OCD tendencies (not diagnosed but I’m his mom so I know). He was chronically constipated even as an EBF newborn and that trend continued until TRS, now he goes regularly and without issue. Since April we have had the following gains: He is no longer constipated, he falls asleep SO much easier than he used to as night time was a period of intense anxiety and OCD which led to him getting up 10-20 times before falling asleep just to wash his hands and try to pee…Now he gets up 0-2 times a night and is easily getting 45 minutes more sleep a night. He is also much easier to cope with anxiety during the day. We homeschool but he’s in 7th grade now so he’s taking some classes away from the house and he is doing great. I can’t believe it. He is able to focus and control his attention for two hours a couple of times a week. His ADHD is still an ever present issue but it is much more manageable. We will continue with TRS for the foreseeable future and I tell everyone that’s willing to listen to give it a try. There is so much more that I could say but this is the condensed version with my child.


I have been using Coseva TRS spray with my twin boys going on three months now and boy do I notice a difference!! One of my boys has suffered from severe constipation with allergies to milk, gluten, and eggs... he is No Longer constipated and is tolerating gluten and eggs!! It has been a complete turn around for him. If I forget his spray he will ask me for it, truly life changing. My second twin has a lazy L eye, some ADHD symptoms as well as learning difficulties... within a week of using TRS his lazy eye was in way more then it was out and I have also noticed a marked difference in his ability to focus and concentrate. Coseva has been a life changer for my family!!

Jaime St. Denis

My youngest son was barely verbal when approaching his second birthday. Within a week of TRS his speech took off and he went from a few noises that had meanings only we could understand to full, legible, diverse speech. Everyone around him noticed. It was like a switch was flipped. Some patches of eczema behind his ears also cleared up.

A. Warner

My 8 year old has severe ADHD and dyslexia. She was on two medications for the ADHD. It was needed 2x per day and she hated being that kid that had to go to the nurse at lunch, but now she doesn't have to! I started her on TRS back in June. Within two weeks she was off one of the medications. I've never put her back on it. She feels so much better! I'm so happy we tried TRS.

K. Dow

We started TRS on our 8 year old autistic son 2 months ago. We did our intensive research on this product and finally made a decision to try it. Within the first month, (1 spray a day for a couple of weeks, increasing a spray per week to 4 sprays as of today) we saw a drastic change in his behavior to his language span. From a minimum of only speaking 5 words to asking for things and singing along to his favorite songs. Family members and his school speech therapist noticed his accomplishments and they keep encouraging us to continue this path to a healthier kid! , We are so happy we took this route! Now, we will begin detoxing his younger brother and ourselves as well!

J. Soto

While my husband and I have had several gains in regards to migraines disappearing, improved energy levels, better focus, less anxiety and so on, our favorite gain by far is that we are finally expecting a baby! ❤️We had been trying to conceive for about three years and within not even three full months of being on TRS we got our first positive! We are now almost 19 weeks along.


She has gone from using 15 words tops to learning new words every day. She is even starting to string together more than 3 words at a time. She is also willingly going to other family members and even talking to strangers (for example order her own food). She has been sleeping in her own bed in her own room for over 2 weeks now. She is learning how to count past 10, colors, shapes, animals, etc. It is amazing to see the difference this simple product has made.


Yesterday we had a SPEECH EXPLOSION!!!!! I have only heard Momma a few times, but yesterday I heard Momma at least 25 times!!! She looked at me and said "Mom" as she took my hand; which means COMMUNICATION is beginning! Oh I can not even begin to express my happiness and appreciation for this amazing product!!!!


I have had more energy and my skin from chemical damage in the military is so much better. I even feel I am sleeping better. I give credit to TRS.

Order Today and receive a guide on how to get started with TRS!

Frequently asked


Advanced TRS removes any element that has a positive ionic charge, such as mercury, lead, nickel, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, etc.

Advanced TRS is the purest form of zeolite available on the planet. Through our proprietary processes, the zeolite molecule is an average of 0.9 nanometers. The molecule is encased in a water cluster, which allows it to travel in the body wherever water goes.

Advanced TRS stays in the body for 6 hours. As such, it is recommended that you take it morning and night.

The essential minerals are in a neutral salt form in our bodies. The zeolite is not attracted to the lesser ionic charges that these nutrients possess. The toxins, however, are not used in the body and thus are not converted to salts but rather sequestered in the body.

Yes, it is safe for children. As a rule of thumb, the usage rate is one spray for every 30 pounds of weight.

The purity and the ability to control the size and structure of the molecule allows us to achieve a smaller size and greater saturation rate. Natural zeolites must undergo a cleansing process, which cannot achieve the purity and effectiveness of Advanced TRS.

Yes. Medical chelation agents are very biologically active and remove metals by an active chemical process. Advanced TRS is completely passive and not biologically active in the body, making it much safer.

No, Advanced TRS will not cause leaching of metals into the body from items such as fillings, artificial joints, etc. Those are bound and are electrically neutral, which is why they last as long as they do. They will not be attracted to, or removed by, the zeolite. ​

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Federal Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For any medical condition, it is recommended that you consult with a qualified health practitioner.

Distinct and Separate service from Davis Dyslexia Association International