Featured Testimonials

Our Elsie went through the Davis Program with Tracy recently. She gained more than just multiple reading levels (in her 5 day program), she now has the tools she needs to have for every situation that comes her way and in the future. This isn't a quick fix program - and I'm so glad it isn't, instead it is the person learning how their brain operates and with Tracy's assistance, giving them confidence and the tools to continue through life. It's been a life changing decision for us and Elsie! Thank you Tracy for having a passion for people who don't fit inside the box. (These are our entrepreneurs, artists, bakers, and creators, etc.) 🙌❤ I highly recommend this program to any child/teen/adult. So helpful!

Joy Gullings

My son recently attended one of Tracy’s learning programs for dyslexia. All I can say is WOW her calming and very personable demeanor put us all at ease immediately. The process not only gave us the tools to improve his reading ability but a new sense of hope. It is truly one of the best decisions we have made. We have tried numerous programs through the years but this was by far the best. Not only did it focus on the complex issue of dyslexia but the whole person. My son finished the program with a new feeling of accomplishment and knowledge that all things are possible, with the right tools. We are not finished with the program as we plan on doing the math portion also. Thanks Tracy for making this program possible and changing lives.

Cindy S.

Tracy was wonderful to work with! She connected so well with our daughter over the week we worked together. We saw improvement in reading and handwriting and a huge boost in our daughter's confidence. I was rather nervous and feeling apprehensive about how the follow-up was going to work at home, but by the end of our time together, Tracy made sure that I was equipped to continue the program at home with my daughter. There is so much value in working with a Davis facilitator. There are key concepts and tools that Tracy was able to explain to my daughter that I would never have been able to wrap my brain around all on my own. Tracy set a firm foundation for understanding and implementing the Davis method which has given us a strong start in working the program at home.

Amy Ciske

Happy Client Reviews

Joseph has always had a hard time with reading, writing and spelling. He was getting extra help at school for 4 years with little to no results. He was becoming very frustrated. Every day was getting to be a struggle to get him to go to school. His confidence kept falling and not just in school, but in life in general, it was breaking our hearts to see him struggle like this, we knew something had to change. ​

When we talked to Joseph about trying out the Davis program, he was very excited, as he told us that the way they are trying to teach me at school doesn't work. They keep trying the same things at school and it's not working. We knew this was a step in the right direction.

Then when he went through the program we could see a change in him immediately, we could see his confidence level increasing, and he was gaining skills and tools to help him with his dyslexia and in life in general. We strongly believe that having

Tracy as our facilitator had a lot to do with his success, the program is great, but she is just wonderful. ​ In the week of the program, his confidence level went up tremendously. He wasn't anxious about school and he didn't fight us when it was time to work on his daily reading and spelling homework. He has used the techniques and skills at home and at school to master reading, vocabulary, and spelling lists, and has helped him work through his frustration. But the most important thing for us is that Joseph’s confidence has improved, and his frustration has decreased. Thank you to the Davis Program and Tracy for helping our son succeed!


I just wanted to say thank you for working with my son, Ethan! He LOVED his time with you. I see more confidence in both reading and writing, after working with you. This was a healing experience for me, too, after years of trying a million things and being frustrated that he learns differently. We loved your sweet spirit and patient, understanding ways. I've seen a huge increase in Ethan's willingness to read and actually pick up a pencil! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Text update: "Tracy! Ethan just had his yearly testing and his reading comprehension scores jumped from 7th grade to 12th grade! His spelling jumped 2 grade levels!! I'm in tears. Thank you so much for your program and for working with him!! It worked!!

Text Update: " My 17-year-old son has always struggled to physically write. When he was little, I would say that he was "allergic" to the pencil. He has gotten through school typing and using speech-to-text. After working with Tracy at MN Learning Solutions, his confidence soared and I saw him using a pencil (or pen) and paper more and more throughout the school year. This summer, he attended an intense camp with up to 6 hours of lectures per day. When he got home, he proudly showed me his notes. I couldn't believe it! He had filled the notebook with notes. Before the Davis Method, this would not have been possible. I'm in tears and I'm so grateful. Thank you, Tracy, for giving my son the tools and confidence he needs!" ​

Email Update: ""Before working with Tracy and the Davis method, I had done every self study of dyslexia I could find. We trudged through every creative homeschool curriculum we could find. There were tears and frustration (mostly mine). I gave up on the idea of college and told Ethan how many wonderful things he could do without going off to get a degree.

Then we met Tracy. Hope. A breath of fresh air. She understood me. She understood Ethan. And she helped him use his unique gifts to accomplish in a week what I had spent years working on. He began holding a pencil. Writing. Reading. Reading a lot! Taking high level classes at our homeschool co-op. Writing papers! And we just found out he was accepted into college!! Happy tears.

This never would have been possible without Tracy and the Davis method. Yes, I have an amazing kid. But we needed the right tools and the right guidance to help him get here. I am forever grateful. If your kid just doesn’t learn like others or doesn’t fit into the mold of your curriculum, give Tracy a try. She changed our life and I pray she changes yours."


A friend recommended Minnesota Learning Solutions, specifically Tracy Doyle, for my son Hudson. Hudson is a twin born at 31 weeks and has suffered with a lazy L eye, ADHD, and we believe dyslexia. I am not a mom who sits by and doesn’t seek interventions and help. From an early age I was taking him to doctors with concerns for his lazy eye and “clumsiness “ as well as therapists for his anxiety. It took a while but I finally found help with vision therapy as well as occupational therapy. We kept him in Preschool an extra year and I have worked closely with his teachers ever since. Attempting multiple times to get him additional help from school without much success. He’s the child who sits just in the middle, doesn’t qualify for help but is not at the same level as his peers.

As you can imagine I was so frustrated.. he needed help and I didn’t know what to do to help him. When we would sit and read the only books he liked to read were the ones he memorized and I would become increasingly frustrated when he couldn’t even read the most common words... the, I, like, look, said... words that are repeated over and over again in reading. He couldn’t remember them. I was beyond frustrated... was he just not trying?? Why was this so hard for him?

Finally a turning point... a phone call to Tracy and I was sold. I would have done anything at this point and thankfully we found Tracy. Not only did she break it down for Hudson she helped me to understand. He wasn’t doing this on purpose, he is a picture thinker and those “simple” site words have no meaning, no picture for him.

She started off slowly getting Hudson to trust her, making it fun, finding his interest and working with that. Helped him calm his mind and find his center of balance, then worked from the bottom up. Forming letters both upper and lower case. Slowly easing into words. Using clay and many other tools to help him form understanding and pictures for these common words. A light went on!! He finally got it!! And for me she taught me so much. She taught me how to understand how my son thinks, to know that reading is not always with our eyes. That he has an incredible potential and we can work as a team to help make learning enjoyable. She continues to support us and is always there for any questions or concerns we may have. Tracy changed our lives and we will forever be grateful.

When I asked Hudson what he thought about Tracy he said “she is so much fun when can we go back?”

Jaime St. Denis

Minnesota Learning solutions has been a Godsend for our family. My 13 year old son had been struggling with school for several years. The week we spent with Tracy was so encouraging and helpful. Her positive attitude and genuine care for people made the intensity of the week-long training enjoyable for both of us. We left armed with lot's of notes, practical tools and most of all hope. Her follow-up care is wonderful. I love knowing I have someone who truly cares about my son just a phone call away. I would highly recommend Minnesota Learning Solutions for anyone looking for real solutions to what can be a very frustrating and complex issue.
